Our vertiport design is making the world a tiny bit better. At least we try. Our primary structure is made entirely out of timber. The structure itself is designed to be flexible and scalable. And it is designed to be sustainable. But foremost it is designed to withstand the loads of a typical passenger drone operation.
But – Safety first! It is designed to be prepared for hard landings as well as smooth trips.

The main structure is clearly the design focus. And we believe quite a spectacular one as well. But it is not just a pretty face. We have designed our vertiport to form an innovative and sustainable part of the city. And we believe that a modern face can be sustainable and might even be pretty.

Currently we are experimenting with active facade concepts or -at the very least- a facade that help us to minimise the environmental impact. That means using a facade that does all the work from lighting to climate control. We are partnering with innovators to develop an active energy recovery system and exploring the possibility of gaining energy with every movement.

State of the Art


The internal organisation is flexible. Our main structure can be used as a hangar, a workshop, a terminal or whatever you want it to be.

In minimum configuration the landing pads will be on the roof. The departure area is located on an intermediate level to account for possible security systems and to minimise the distance to the vehicle. Our experts are working together with airport design professionals to optimise the departure process and to create an unforgettable experience on the way.

The building is designed with modular elements and can easily be delivered in various sizes and configurations. The internal layout is completely flexible and can be designed to be a highly efficient terminal or it can be used to generate additional income with a multitude of concession areas. Together with the local authorities we can create addition breathing space for local arts or even parks.

Interior View
View from the stairs that lead to the Landing Pad into the main terminal area
Interior View
View from the departure area into the main terminal area


Probably the most challenging aspect, apart from being environmental responsible, is the fact that we have to design and build a vertiport close to or within a city.

Our design aims to enhance the local community and to find the right concept with the people for the people. Regional and local materials, a façade concept that enhances the appearance and a carefully designed layout are key factors for a successful implementation within the existing urban fabric.

We assume that we would have to use an existing building within the city. We also assume that this enables us to use the transformation to our advantage.

We can create additional space which truly expands the city into the third dimension. This can be anything from a vertical park or fruit garden, sports facilities, public spaces for the community, a sky bar… we could go on, but why not get in touch and find out for yourself how we can improve your city.