? What sets us apart

The AAM ecosystem brings together a lot of industry professionals and stakeholders. Aligning them is a great challenge. At the same time, it is an unprecedented opportunity to shape a new aviation ecosystem in a way, that will meet the demands of all stakeholders and generate true societal value for the time to come.

The main elements for the implementation of AAM are regulation, operation, infrastructure, and integration.

We are a partnership that consists of nine industry partners and two research institutes belonging to the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Hamburg University of Technology. Together we combine a broad and interdisciplinary expertise. And we believe that an all-encompassing approach is the right way to find a solution that is not just a technical implementation, but a solution that addresses the problems of the transport systems of the future.

We know that for a successful transition of AAM and UAM, the infrastructure needs to be built as close to the customer as possible. That means we need to implement Vertiports within the existing urban fabric.

Within the research project, our goal is to develop not only the design but also a ready-to-use concept that creates value for everybody – the city, its inhabitants, and potential customers with an all-encompassing approach.

An approach that aims to solve the problems and challenges that lie ahead. We develop a design that considers the environmental challenges of a sustainable infrastructure within a city.

That includes a sustainable building structure and socio-economic considerations. That includes a technology concept for automated procedures for efficient take-off, landing, and passenger and cargo handling processes. That includes taking current regulations and limitations into consideration to find a workable solution. That includes operating procedures and concepts, and that includes a cost analysis to evaluate necessary steps to create a profitable service structure.

Our goal is to develop an infrastructure that can be implemented anywhere and that is designed with a real-world service forecast in mind.